Monday, August 11, 2008

Madison County Sheriff's department

I just received a call from the Sheriff''s department. I asked if we could get a copy of the flyer. They said that is being handled through the family. They said that they would pass my number along to the family.

They also said that the family is handling the search efforts on Jennifer. The officer I spoke to said the case is confidential and that they can not give out any information about it. Ok I do understand that. But can't they give out what she was last seen wearing, if she has any tattoos, rings, scars and so on.

I hope to be getting a phone call from the family. Once that happens and I get a copy of the flyer I will email it to everyone that I have a email on.


Deb said...

If the sheriff's dept. is saying that the case is confidential and that they are not giving out any information on's because they have a suspect in mind. If they let too much info out, it would spook the person that they suspect and they might run, which would ruin their case.

Help find Jennifer Powers said...

I called my friend in California that is medically retired from the sheriff's dept there. He told me the same thing. He also said that when they don't let to much out is a good and bad thing. He said that they have an idea of what happened to her. They just need time to build there case before they make an arrest and/or get a search warrent. So I hope that this is true. I hope that they are doing there job and not just pushing it under the rug.

Deb said...

I just wish that Harry Widner was still with the Sheriff's Dept.! Harry was a close friend of mine and I used to call him and he'd talk to me about the cases he was working on. I met him when I worked as a legal assistant and helped him out on a few cases. But, Harry retired several years ago and I don't have an "in" with the dept. anymore.:-(

After what they told you when you called, I really believe that they have a very good idea as to what happened to Jennifer and who was involved in her disappearance. It would still help if they would at least put a photo of her out there and give a description of any scars, tattoos and distinguishing marks on her body.