Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Information from the neighborhood

Hello all,

I have some info from the neighborhood that Jennifer's parents live in. She has been letting me know what is going on at the Locke's home. I received a email from her today. I told her that I would not give out her name. Just because I want to protect her from the unknown. Since we don't know what happened to Jennifer I don't want the bad guy to know who the neighbor is.

Here is her email.....................

Sent: Wed 8/27/08 11:01 AM

I agree that we need a search party. I live in the same subdivision as Jennifers mother and grandmother, her son plays with my stepson in the summer. Our whole neighborhood has offered to do a search party. I am afraid it is too late though. THis morning when I looked out my kitchen window, I saw 2 madison county cars parked at her parents house. I am afraid that she is gone, I am hopeful that they found her alive, but I am scared that she is gone and yes I do think her husband is guilty. He is an ass.

But if you want to get more people involved in a search party, we have a whole neighborhood ready to go at a moments notice. Everyone out here grew up with Jennifer and it is BEYOND STRANGE that she would just leave.

Here is the email I sent back.................

----- Original Message ----
From: Help find Jennifer Powers
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 11:33:39 AM
Subject: RE: Jennifer

I don't know Jennifer. But I feel like I have known her for a while. I am deadly afraid of her husband. I keep having dreams that he breaks into my house and tries to kill me. My husband works with Jason at UPS. There has been talk that he (Jason) is mad by the blogs on line talking about what is going on. Do you know if you have any pictures of Jennifer that we can get up. There is a myspace account and a blog through google that is set up for her.

I have seen Jason laughing with a female guard at his work. If he is so upset that his wife is missing why is he standing there talking to this girl laughing. Then this girl was asking about him when Jason was off for a hurt foot. Why is he not bugging the crap out of the news to keep her story out in the public eye.

There is a lot of people that would help with a search. But we don't want to cross a thin line with the family. I know that her parents have to be so sad over this. If you hear of a search please let me know so I can get the word out.

Also do you mind if I put your email on the blog and myspace account. I wont put you email or anything like that. We just want to update everyone.

Myspace account site for Jennifer

Google Blog

Then she wrote this back.....................
Re: Jennifer‏
Sent: Wed 8/27/08 1:45 PM
To: Help find Jennifer Powers (

I dont mind if you use my email. I dont have any pics of jennifer, but her oldest daughter looks just like her, just without the red hair. Jennifer is a nice looking girl, she still looks like shes 17, she weights about 100 pounds, skinny, freckles, and red hair. I will talk more to our neighbors and see if they would like to talk to the family. Her cousin lives across the street and she is 100% sure the husband did it. SHe also wants a search party. I will see what I can do.

This gives me the feeling that she didn't leave on her own. Someone took her out of the house. I will keep everyone updated on the information I get from her.


one person said...

I have known Jason my entire life. He has been a great friend to me and my family. He is the first person to help anybody. Not everybody handles grief the same way, and if you knew Jason you would know that this last year has not been great for him. He just lost his mother a few months ago, so get your facts straight before you ruin his reputation. Dont start bashing him until there is proof...and since there isnt any find another outlet!!!

Deb said...

Posting your "thoughts" about what you think a person may have done is not bashing them, or ruining their reputation.

I'm sorry that he lost his mother. I have lost both of my parents and so I know from personal experience just how hard it is.

As someone that worked as a legal assistant to a criminal attorney, I can tell you that he is acting in a manner that makes people wonder about his involvment in this matter. Jason is bringing any and all suspicions on himself. When has he asked for the public's help in finding his wife, in any manner?

I'm sorry if it bothers you OR him that the public is showing more of an interest in bringing his wife home, than he is. I can assure you that until the day that Jennifer has been found, there are those of us out here that will continue to keep her name out there for the public to remember her. Not your anger or his will stop anything that we do.

NOW....think about this for a moment. Jason lost his mother. How do you think that JENNIFER'S mother feels not knowing what has happened to HER child???

Help find Jennifer Powers said...

Miss ardmore girl, if you don't like what your reading then turn your head and don't read it. I have a right to have a opinion on what I think happened. I also have the freedom of speech.

Just like deb said, Jason is bringing this on himself. The way he acts is not right. Laughing it up with the guard at UPS while his wife is missing. Then the guard was asking where he was after he was hurt.

If Jason is so worried about his wife why hasn't he asked for help on doing a search. He doesn't work 7 days a week and I think the kids could go to Grandmas house (Jennifer's parents) for a few hours. There are plenty of people that would be glad to help.

Just to let you know, we are not going anywhere. We will be here posting and talking uptil the day Jennifer comes home. If you do not like that we say then please don't read it.

By the way, have a happy Labor day and be safe.

Deb said...

I must have hit a nerve with ardmore girl. I posted on her blog asking if she would happen to be a special friend of Jason's....and she set her blog to private.

I guess that some people are finding out that we will not stop until Jennifer is found.

Help find Jennifer Powers said...

Oh now that is funny. Poor little ardmore girl is running and hiding. I guess she doesn't want us to see what she is writing. I wonder if she is the same person that wrote to me on myspace that is set up for Jennifer.

Oh well how cares. Because we are not stopping until Jennifer comes home.

Help find Jennifer Powers said...

Opps, I mean who cares because we are not going to stop until Jennifer comes home.

Anonymous said...

running i just decided that this sight was not to help as i orginally thought it was...its to stir up as a REAL friend of the family...AND SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS THEM..i have decided to help in real i have actually deleated the ardmore girl sight....

Deb said...

I just do not understand something here. I was just going over all of the posts that have been made on this site and noticed something rather strange.

There were only 2 of us making posts on this site UNTIL a photo of Jennifer was posted, along with emails from someone that knows the family. Then it was like the damn burst.

Where were all of you people when the first few threads were started? Why weren't you posting then about how you would like to help if you know Jennifer and Jason personally?

Just thinking...........

Anonymous said...

because unlike you two people...WE WERE RESPECTING THE FAMILIES WISHES....but your allegations have gotten out of hand....this page is not helping...why is it only you and HFJP are the only ones pointing the finger at Jason...her own family hasnt accused him they stand beside what does that say for your CSI/Law and Order want to be minds...

Help find Jennifer Powers said...

I also have a email list where I keep others updated. Some jobs block web sites. Like where I work at Myspace and other sites are blocked.

Deb said...

To my one has "accused" Jason of anything. Whoever you are, you just keep reading what you want to into the posts.

I'll make you a deal though.....IF and WHEN Jennifer comes home ALIVE and well......I will personally apologize to Jason for anything that I may have THOUGHT about this situation.

As for your CSI/Law & Order comment.....I won't even justify that with a reply....except to say, you just keep believing whatever you want to believe.

Anonymous said...

personally the reason i did leave comments on here berfore the pic. had nothing to do with that i started when an email posted news from the neiborhood made it look like i was sayings things that i wasnt, and i didnt post on here saying i would like to help because what good would that do nobody needs to know but the jennifers parents what you are doing to help i havent seen any help coming from here, and thats just bein honest but at the same time its good to keep her name out there please everyone just be nice dont post what you see at her parents house thats invading there privacy,and you know the kid can read and they are with jason there dad and step dad so image how they feel when there reading these things bout him and the negative things bout there mother man that must be hard on them the last time i seen them was before school started at my house and they are doing ok lets post some good things maybe if jennifer is where she can read this she might feel better bout coming home to a place not so bitter,and rumor ridden

Deb said...


I'm sorry if you have felt uncomfortable or if that email has caused you problems in any way. Your name was not mentioned in that email anywhere. The only way that anyone would even begin to think that it was you, that has read this blog, is if they know you personally. I cannot speak for the person that sent that email to HFJP, but I'm sure that the name was left out intentionally, so as to not cause anyone any problems. Neither of us had any idea of your name, until you posted it. Again, if it has caused any problems for you....I apologize.

We are trying our very best to keep Jennifer's name out there where people will not forget that she is missing. There are also emails received from people that know Jennifer, that are not posted here. There are more people than you realize that read this blog and that read the myspace pages dedicated to Jennifer. Look at the post made by a friend of Jennifer's that was just made recently. It shows that there are people out there that actually spent time with her and that she talked to about things in her life.

It's just my opinion here, but if those were my children, I would not allow them to read certain things on the internet. Young children should only be allowed to certain sites on the web. That's why there are parental controls on computers.

BUT, HFJP and I were not the ones posting some of those things about Jennifer. I simply pointed out some of the things that were being said about her. Someone else jumped on it and left info that shouldn't have been posted if they were concerned about what the children read. I also found it rather strange that they said Jennifer's parents didn't want that info given to the public, yet they went into such detail about it.

I was merely stating something that I had read somewhere else. I was hoping that someone would refute that, instead of jumping on it like they did. Their post, not mine, is the one that made Jennifer look so bad.

Neither of us have intentionally "bashed" Jason, either. There have merely been posts about what someone has seen with their own 2 eyes. He just has not acted like a man that loves his wife, is worried about her and wants her found no matter what. Unfortunately, he has acted more like Scott Peterson did when Lacey was missing, and he has acted more like Drew Peterson has been acting since his wife has been gone. People react to the way they see someone acting in a situation like this. They draw their conclusions from the way someone acts in a situation like this. It isn't "bashing"'s human nature.

Sharon, we are so very sorry that your cousin is missing. We cannot begin to imagine how Jennifer's children, parents, family and friends are feeling during this very stressful time. Our only hope, is that by keeping Jennifer's name out there for the public to see, that someone might remember something....even if it's just a small thing that they may think is unimportant, that will bring Jennifer home.

Help find Jennifer Powers said...

Sharon, I to want to let you know that I am sorry Jennifer is missing. Like you we want her to come home safe and sound. He kids most of all need her in there lifes.

I know the feeling when a parent goes missing. My father has been missing since I was 15. He just disappeared off the face of the earth. I have done many searches for him with no luck.

I have his SSN and no work history since I was 15. I do miss him, but I had to move on with my life.

I do agree with what Deb said. There are people who are posting things that are mean. I believe in parental controls on computers. I use them when my kids are on the computer.

If Jennifer's parents would like our help handing out posters we would be happy to help. If they want to do a search all they have to do is ask and we will be there. I do pray for Jennifer's safe return. The longer she is away the harder it will be on her kids.

Anonymous said...

I have known Jennifer my whole life. I lived 3 houses down from her and rode the bus that her grandfather drove, my sister graduated high school with her. I used to work with Jason at UPS. He never seemed like the type to hurt anyone but Jennifer would never walk out and not come back. She loved those kids with all her heart. At first I didn't think that Jason could do anything to her, but the more he acts like nothing has happened the more I begin to wonder. If he was so concerned about Jennifer then he would have all the news channels keep her name on air till she is returned home. I think that he put on a front with the tears the day he did the interview with news channel 19 with the tears to make everyone feel sorry for him but the only people I feel sorry for is her parents and her children. Jason will get what he deserves if he had anything to do with her disapperance and I believe he did....

Deb said...

Harley.....thanks for that insight. We've been getting more and more of that lately.

The more time that passes, the more guilty he looks and I don't know if it's beyond him to realize that or not.

What has he done to keep Jennifer's name in the public eye? What has he done in an effort to find Jennifer?

I pray everyday that she will come home safe and sound.....but in my heart, I just don't believe that will happen.

Help find Jennifer Powers said...

Harley, thanks for giving us a little more info on this matter. We are praying Jennifer comes home. But as each day passes with no word it brings bad news that she wont come home.

There are so many unanswered questions. It seems like they will never be answered since Jason has seemed to hide himself away. I know that he has not been at work. He keeps calling in. If you would like you can email me if you want to talk in private.

buckshot said...
If anyone has a later picture
please send it to me