Friday, June 12, 2009

11 months and counting.............

It sure doesn't seem like it's been 11 months...almost a whole year since Jennifer went missing. It is such a shame that this lovely young mother has still not been found, or heard from after all this time.

Thoughts and prayers go out to her children, family and friends. May God hold you close in his peace and love.


Anonymous said...

you know i can not grasp the fact that we dont hear about jennifer every day i mean if she were my child i would not rest not one single minute everyone i came in contact with would know her name and details, if i were her husband i would have holes in the bottoms of all my shoes because i would walk day and night in search of her crying out her name, if i were her grandmother my kness would be sore from praying, if i were her brother, sister i would let you know everyone know what she means to me, and if i were jennifer i would wish for all these things!but guess what she not even listed on the madison county sheriffs missing person list, there are people who live on her same street dont even know shes missing wow can you belive that! its unthinkable i know but true please i pray that if i ever come up missing that someone just one person who would say to my face that they care would put forth effort if i were gone. this really isnt meant to bash anyone but come on jennifer cant speak for herself now, and she wasnt one to sit back and be quit so there you have it. someone somewhere knows something you dont just fall off the earth and whoever knows what happened can rest easy tonight because nothing is being done, can you?

Deb said...

Very well said!!!!!

Some of us have been saying the exact same thing ever since we found out that she went missing. It's like no one cares. I just hope that when the time comes for the person that is responsible for her being taken from her children, to meet their maker, that the same lack of mercy is shown to them, that they have shown to Jennifer.

Anonymous said...

You know no one knows what is in some one elses hearts and mind, but i like to think that it does somewhat show in there actions. I tell you this that if it were my daughter no matter what she had WHAT she had done i would be making evert effort searching,talking,going to the news everyday,renting bilboard signs,puting up posters going to every door, asking for help from everywhere at the very least it would be making the person who did what ever to jennifer very uncomfortable, and lets face it at this point i think we all know someone has done something to her and if you dont care enough about your own child to do something to find her then atleast care that justice needs to be served in someway shape or form but why would you care about that.You know its allmost like they are ashamed they dont want it to get out about there daughter that things would be told about her, well get over your pride it makes you look worse that it seems that you dont care.Look into the eyes of her children and tell them its not worth the time, we dont want bad things to get out about your mom.Well guess what everyone has done things that we are not proud of but that doesnt mean that we are rooten, or that we dont deserve justice or that our kids dont deserve answers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deb said...

You are so right!! I don't understand how any of them can look into the eyes of Jennifer's children, and not feel guilty that they have not done more to find their mother! I don't care what she may have done in her life, she was still their daughter and the mother of their grandchildren. If they are ashamed of what she may have done and are keeping silent hoping that it will go away, they all need to remember something...the day will come when they will have to stand before God to answer for their choices in this life. How will they explain to God that they didn't do everything in their power to help find their daughter, because they were ashamed of her? What will they do if God turns His back on them and tells them that He is ashamed of them for not remembering that she was not only their child.....but His child as well. May God have mercy on the souls of everyone that has not done everything in their power to find Jennifer.

We all know that she has to be dead, for her to have just walked off and left her children. Everyone that knew her said that her children were her life and that she would never have just walked out on them. I just hope that she has found the peace and comfort with God, that the people in her life did not let her have on this earth.

Her children still need to have a resolution to this situation. They need to know that their mother loved them and did not just walk out on them of her own free will. I pray that she will be found, so that her children can have some kind of closure. Her parents and husband do not really seem to care whether she is found or not.....but those children really need to have some answers.