Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just a note to say.........

Jennifer, you are still thought about each and every day. We will never forget you and we will never stop putting your name and face out there, until you are found and brought home to those that love you.


Anonymous said...

I am a friend of the Powers family and Jennifer's parents as well. If you have any decency at all you would remove this blog completely. Everyone would like to know where Jennifer is especially her family and friends. But there are statements on this site that are not factual and causes pain for the family. Please remove this. This website is not something that her parents,children and husband need to see. Thank you for understanding.

Deb said...

We all understand that everyone would like to know where Jennifer is and what happened to her. I also know people that were friends with Jennifer and I know what their thoughts and opinions are, as they have discussed them with me often.

You need to understand that everyone that knows anything at all about Jennifer going missing, has an opinion as to what has happened to her. Fortunately, we live in a country that allows us that freedom, as well as the freedom to express those opinions.

Any quotes that have been used on this blog, are quotes that were made directly to either me, or the other lady that owns this blog, and they are quotes that were made to us by people who knew Jennifer and talked with her. Thoughts and opinions are given as such and not as facts.

This website was set up by the owner, in an effort to keep Jennifer's name out there. As I am sure you know, the longer that someone is missing, the more people tend to forget about them and their family and friends. However, if there are people that are willing to at least post something to the effect of this post that you responded to, it helps to keep that missing person in their thoughts and prayers. Also, the more that someone is thought about, the more likely it is that someone will remember something, no matter how small they may think it is, that will help to find that missing person, so that their family will at least have some form of closure.

This website will not be shut down and none of the posts will be removed. I am entitled to my thoughts and opinions and entitled to share them. If they are different from other people's thoughts and opinions, I cannot help that. I will not keep silent on any subject, simply because my opinion may hurt someone's feelings. The lady that owns this blog feels the same way as I do on this subject.

"Decency" has nothing at all to do with this website, or any opinions expressed here. I can assure you that both the other lady and myself are decent women. We are both married, mothers, and in my case, a grandmother. Neither of us have ever been accused of or arrested for any crime. We do not drink or do drugs. As a matter of fact, the other lady is in college, furthering her education and I am an ordained minister, who performs weddings, funerals and baptisms. As you can see, misconceptions about people can easily be made, and I thank you for understanding.